International Congress on Eurasian Economies

International Conference on Eurasian Economies

24-25 August 2021 – Istanbul, TURKEY and ONLINE

Paper properties

Paper ID : 2601
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Sectoral Analyses
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Özlen Hiç
Session : 7C Tarım

The Effects of Agricultural Policies on the Production Pattern: The Case of Turkey
Tarım Politikalarının Üretim Deseni Üzerine Etkileri: Türkiye Örneği


The production pattern is a “production composition” which gives the most suitable combination for the physical and ecological characteristics of the arable land. It is determined according to the current and potential demand for agricultural goods- both domestic as well as foreign demand-. Once the product pattern is determined, it will be use as an important data for increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector, as well as for agricultural planning and for effective use of natural resources. One of the goals of agricultural policies is to establish an “optimal balance” for agricultural producers and consumers via establishing the demand and supply balance on each product level, and to create an “optimal product pattern” by directing this agricultural production. To be able to achieve this goal, “agricultural policies” and among them, especially “agricultural support policies” appears to play an especially important role. In this article, we will first summarize the importance and the general characteristics the agricultural sector and and give a general view of the agricultural policies and their effects on the product pattern. Then we will briefly mention two case studies in how the product pattern is determined; then, we will be discussing the effects of the changes in the climate, population rates and structure and the gradual decrease of agricultural areas on the product pattern.

JEL codes: Q10, R14, Q18

Hiç, Özlen, Gencer, Ayşen Hiç (2021). "The Effects of Agricultural Policies on the Production Pattern: The Case of Turkey " in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2021, pp.510-514, Istanbul, TURKEY and ONLINE.


Full paper in PDF format.

Session 7C: Tarım

Eurasian Economists Association Istanbul Beykent University Doğuş University Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University