International Conference on Eurasian Economies
2-4 September 2020 – Baku - AZERBAIJAN
Paper properties
Paper ID : 2454
Status : Paper published
Language : Russian
Topic : International Trade and Globalization
Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khicheza Fynchina
Presentation Location : Manas
Session : 4B экономика развития
Development of Trade Relations of the Kyrgyz Republic with Turkey
Развитие Торговых Отношений Кыргызской Республики с Турцией
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khicheza Fynchina (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan)
The progressive development of the economy of each country in the context of globalization is to a large extent determined by its foreign trade activities. Individual entrepreneurship of the Kyrgyz Republic was the locomotive for the development of trade cooperation with many countries of the far abroad, among which Turkey is one of the leaders. Sources of research: statistical data. The main methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, logical sequence. Key findings: The participation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) contributed to the revival of trade relations of the Kyrgyzstan with the EAEU members and other countries. The structure of foreign trade has improved: leading export growth compared to import growth. The pace of development of foreign trade relations shows that the participation of Kyrgyzstan in the EAEU is not a deterrent to its integration into the world trade community. The production orientation of imports from Turkey and China showed the basis for restoring the production potential of the light industry of Kyrgyzstan. An analysis of official data on foreign trade of Kyrgyzstan and mirror statistics of key partner countries revealed the problem of the presence of inaccuracy in the statistics of foreign trade of Kyrgyzstan and possible budget losses. The principles of building a new relationship between a man and society under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic will be based on the rationalization of consumption and production. This will be the basis for the restoration and development of foreign trade of the Kyrgyz Republic.
JEL codes: F12, F15, F63
Fynchina, Khicheza (2020). "Development of Trade Relations of the Kyrgyz Republic with Turkey" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2020, pp.261-270, Baku - AZERBAIJAN.
Session 4B: экономика развития