International Conference on Eurasian Economies
18-20 June 2018 – Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN
Paper detail
Paper ID : 2118
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Finance and Financial Crises
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Zehra Vildan Serin
Session : 3D Finans
Gold Reserve Policies of Selected Central Banks After the Global Financial Crisis: A Comparative Analysis
Küresel Kriz Sonrası Seçilmiş Merkez Bankalarının Altın Rezerv Politikalarındaki Değişim: Mukayeseli Bir Analiz
- Prof. Dr. Zehra Vildan Serin (Hasan Kalyoncu University, Türkiye)
- Prof. Dr. Erişah Arıcan (Marmara University, Türkiye)
- Prof. Dr. Başak Tanınmış Yücememiş (Marmara University, Türkiye)
After the global financial crisis, central banks have changed attitudes towards gold and have unconventional policy measures, in addition to conventional interest rate cuts. With these measures central banks aimed to support financial stability, and to reduce to potential adverse effects from international capital flows. From the perspective of investors and central banks gold positions and gold reserves are still significant and debatable issues. The purpose of this study is to investigate the composition of central bank reserves the period of 2008 and 2018. In this paper, generally we compared gold reserve holdings of major central banks with Turkey. The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) has increased gold reserves especially since 2002. With implementing effective policies, CBRT has increased gold holdings in international reserves. CBRT is one of the countries with the highest share of gold reserves in the world.
JEL codes:
Serin, Zehra Vildan, Arıcan, Erişah, Tanınmış Yücememiş, Başak (2018). "Gold Reserve Policies of Selected Central Banks After the Global Financial Crisis: A Comparative Analysis" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2018, pp.445-455, Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN.