International Congress on Eurasian Economies

International Congress on Eurasian Economies

19-20 September 2023 – İzmir - TURKEY

Session properties

All times shown are for the time zone: İzmir - TURKEY

SESSION 2C: Growth

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Ayşen Hiç Gencer

19 September 2023 — 14:45-16:15

14:45–15:00   #2795
Investigation of the Production Structure of the Food Industry with Input-Output Analysis: An Empirical Application on Turkey

- Dr. Hakan Sönmez (Dokuz Eylül University, Türkiye) *

15:00–15:15   #2812
Labor Productivity, Wages, and Inflation: The Evidence from Selected Central and South-East European Countries

- Prof. Dr. Trajko Slaveski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Macedonia)
- Ph.D. candidate Kristijan Kozheski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia) *

15:15–15:30   #2756
Economic Growth Effects of IMF Programs

- Prof. Dr. Taner Turan (Gebze Technical University, Türkiye)
- Prof. Dr. Ayse Evrensel (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, United States of America)
- Prof. Dr. Halit Yanıkkaya (Gebze Technical University, Türkiye)

Schedule and Program

Eurasian Economists Association 9 Eylül University Istanbul Beykent University Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Doğuş University