International Conference on Eurasian Economies
1-3 July 2014 – Skopje, MACEDONIA
Paper detail
Paper ID : 912
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Microeconomics and Entrepreneurship
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Recep Kök
Session : 1A Keynote Session
Industrial Agglomeration Economies: The Case of the Organized Industrial Zones of Komotini-Xanthi-Alexandroupolis
Endüstriyel Yığılma Ekonomileri Gümülcine-İskeçe-Dedeağaç Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Örneği
- Mr. Serhat Şentürk (Dokuz Eylül University, Türkiye)
- Prof. Dr. Recep Kök (Nişantaşı University, Türkiye)
Agglomeration economies brings innovation and high growth rates and describes the advantages of agglomeration as decreasing of transportation costs, providing skilled labor pool and knowledge spillover. We aim to evaluate the industrial agglomeration economies with regard to the organized industrial zones in Komotini, Xanthi and Alexandroupolis that are located in Western Thrace and to develop some suggestion on the zones’ entrepreneurship potential. Survey data analysis; classification method; cluster analysis; factor analysis. Industrial agglomeration is an important concept on determining economic integration and dispersion of economic activities. Therefore, we consider the advantages of agglomeration and co-agglomeration in terms of the theoretical basis related to organized industrial zones as a model of industrial settlement. In this framework, in with model of industrial some surveys will be applied to 81 firms in the sample. The findings show that agglomeration economies support to competitive environment. This study will contribute to the policy suggestions on relations between Turkey and Greece in terms of forecasters of the related econometric application.
JEL codes: B21, D22, C38
Şentürk, Serhat, Kök, Recep (2014). "Industrial Agglomeration Economies: The Case of the Organized Industrial Zones of Komotini-Xanthi-Alexandroupolis" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2014, pp.19-27, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C05.00912