International Conference on Eurasian Economies
17-18 September 2013 – St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
Paper detail
Paper ID : 624
Status : Paper included
Language : Russian
Topic : Sectoral Analyses
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Gani Kaliev
Session : 7D Международная торговля
The effect of integration processes on agricultural market of Kazakhstan
О влиянии интеграционных процессов на агарный рынок Казахстана
- Prof. Dr. Gani Kaliev (Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kazakhstan)
- Ph.D. candidate Nikitina Galina (Kazakh Scientific Research Institute, Kazakhstan)
In the article the authors describe the process of interstate integrat on and show the changes it causes in the agro-food market in Kazakhstan. It is noted that current situation of national food market is unstable, the market is out of balance, that causes price increase in all phases of product movement. The authors also examine the changes of the external trade flows, which clearly defined the growth of imports from the Customs Union countries, which effect is increasing by many kinds of raw materials and food products. The demand is not provided by the domestic commodity producers, in particular on industrial products, as well as existing high wholesale and retail prices in the domestic market, promote the increase its attractiveness and growth of imports. Russian Federation is the main trading partner. The role of Belarus is seen on meat-milk and sugar markets. But the trade balance with both countries on major goods is negative. The surplus is preserved only on grain, vegetables and fruits. As a result, relative balance of supply and demand on food market in Kazakhstan is largely supported by the import of food products, and first of all, industrial products. Current changes are mainly formed under the influence of internal factors, however, and the integration processes affect the status of national market.
JEL codes: F15, Q13, Q17
Session 7D: Международная торговля