International Conference on Eurasian Economies
12-14 October 2011 – Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN
Paper detail
Paper ID : 283
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Growth and Development
Presenter: Ph.D. candidate Sevilay Gümüş
Session : 5B Büyüme ve Gelişme I
A Comparison of European Union and Turkey from the Perspective of Social Parafiscal Burden (1995-2008)
Sosyal Parafiskal Yük Açısından Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye Karşılaştırması (1995-2008)
- Ph.D. candidate Sevilay Gümüş (Hacettepe University, Türkiye)
While the need for human to protect themselves againist dangers they may face all through their lifes has introduced the social security concept; reducing the harm caused to humans faced with dangers has conceived the social insurance concept. In time, the context of social security broadend and following World War II it has became an increasingly important issue around the world. The main area of the study regarding this issue is to make a comparison between the social security subsidies paid by EU member countries and Turkish Republic citizens between 1995-2008 in terms of social parafiscal burden on the citizens of that country. İn this context, the data of EuroStat, OECD, SPO and Turkish Republic Social Security Institution has been benefited from in order to make an assessement. In conclusion, the EU shows a more balanced profile in terms of social parafiscal burden and social expenditure compare to Turkey and even though the social parafiscal burden depending on the observed high informal economy, seems low in terms of numbers; it can be said that the social parafiscal burden on Turkish citizens quite heavy.
JEL codes: H55
Gümüş, Sevilay (2011). "A Comparison of European Union and Turkey from the Perspective of Social Parafiscal Burden (1995-2008)" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2011, pp.311-318, Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN.
Session 5B: Büyüme ve Gelişme I