International Conference on Eurasian Economies
24-25 August 2021 – Istanbul, TURKEY and ONLINE
Paper properties
Paper ID : 2537
Status : Paper published
Language : English
Topic : Sectoral Analyses
Presenter: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayça Oralkan
Session : 7A Sectoral Analysis
Paradigm Shift of Tourist Behavior in Eurasian Countries under Pandemic Conditions
Paradigm Shift of Tourist Behavior in Eurasian Countries under Pandemic Conditions
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayça Oralkan (Istanbul Beykent University, Türkiye)
Tourism has become a dynamic economic resource for Eurasian countries in recent decades, providing well-being for the people living in the destinations. The pandemic has forced societies to adapt to the constraints it imposes due to significant socioeconomic effects. Because of the fact that the tourist behavior and social life in the destinations are significantly affected by pandemic conditions, the countries are developing strategies to overcome the safety concerns with reconstructed travel and tourism norms. Due to the nature of the process, the main source of the competitive environment of the tourism sector is tourist behavior, and one of the primary criteria of potential tourists in their destination selection is security risk assessments. With the constraints shaped under pandemic conditions, a dramatic decrease has been observed in the intensity of tourism activities on a global basis. Yet, tourism is recognized as one of the most dynamic and fast-growing sectors worldwide with a positive welfare effect on the people living in the destinations. Therefore, there is a strong intention to develop favorable conditions, including innovative solutions, to meet tourist motivations. The aim of this paper is to develop theoretical approaches to evaluate the potential tourist behavior regarding Eurasian Countries under the constraints of the pandemic.
JEL codes: M30, Z33, D11
Oralkan, Ayça (2021). "Paradigm Shift of Tourist Behavior in Eurasian Countries under Pandemic Conditions" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2021, pp.185-190, Istanbul, TURKEY and ONLINE.