International Conference on Eurasian Economies
24-25 August 2021 – Istanbul, TURKEY and ONLINE
Paper properties
Paper ID : 2481
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Growth and Development
Presenter: Ph.D. candidate Ahmet Rutkay Ardoğan
Session : 1A Büyüme-1
The Relationship Between Public Expenditures, Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis
Kamu Harcalamarı, Toplam Faktör Verimliliği Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Bir Panel Veri Analizi
- Ph.D. candidate Remzi Can Yılmaz (Istanbul Beykent University, Türkiye)
- Ph.D. candidate Ahmet Rutkay Ardoğan (Istanbul Beykent University, Türkiye)
According to the economics literature, there are two main sources of economic growth. While the first of the resources is the accumulation of production factors, the other is the part of the output that cannot be explained by the amount of input used in production, in other words, the total factor productivity. The level of total factor productivity is measured according to how efficiently the inputs are used in the production process. In this study, the hypothesis that public spending affects real economic growth through total productivity is investigated. In the first stage, whether the changes in public expenditures affect the total factor productivity or not; if it does, to what extent and in what direction it has been tried to be revealed. In the second stage, the effect of total factor productivity on economic growth was examined and the statistical significance, direction and extent of the relationship between variables were investigated. Annual data were used in the study and the year range is 2000-2017. The sampling economies were selected according to data availability, and there are a total of 20 developed and developing economies. Research was conducted using multiple panel regression analysis. According to the findings, the relationship between public expenditures and total factor productivity is statistically significant. An increase in public expenditures reduces the total factor productivity. The relationship between total factor productivity and economic growth is statistically significant, and an increase in total factor productivity also increases economic growth. An increase in public expenditures affects economic growth negatively by reducing the total factor productivity.
JEL codes: D24, E62, O40
Yılmaz, Remzi Can, Ardoğan, Ahmet Rutkay (2021). "The Relationship Between Public Expenditures, Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2021, pp.41-47, Istanbul, TURKEY and ONLINE.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C13.02481