International Conference on Eurasian Economies
4-5 November 2010 – Istanbul, TURKEY
Paper detail
Paper ID : 195
Status : Paper published
Language : English
Topic : Natural Resources and Environment
Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeşim Reel
Session : 4C Energy
The Dependency Game and Potential Gains in Energy Sector of Eurasia
The Dependency Game and Potential Gains in Energy Sector of Eurasia
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeşim Reel (Marmara University, Türkiye)
The integration of the Eurasian super-continent will potentially have major implications for the Eurasian region, and also for the world economy. Traditionally, economic integration has ben analyzed and measured mostly with regard to trade and transport linkages. Turning from the most obvious linkages in energy to other areas, the first point to be made is that the collapse of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) had a devastating impact on trade within the former Soviet regional trading bloc known as COMECON (Linn and Tiomkin,2007). Opening Greater Central Asia to continental trade in energy and goods would give countries in the region greater access to foreign technology and foreign exchange revenue, increase market access. Forecasts about the positive effects of construction and restoration of road corridors suggest there could be enormous gains (Norling and Swanström,2007). Moreover, potential gains in energy transit are also massive (Pandian,2005). It is stated that the increasing demand for Eurasian energy is creating a very interesting dependency game involving three groups of countries. The existing dependencies are based on a number of variables (Svedberg,2007). The aim of this paper is to analyze the current situation, the dependency game and potential gains in Eurasia’s energy sector. The current situation’s analysis presents a framework which shows Eurasia’s energy sector’s data, trends and problems. The dependency game indicates the linkages between different countries which are related to the sector, and these countries’ positions. The potential gains are important particularly in energy production, energy projects and energy trade for Eursia. Considering all these, first part presents introduction. The second part analyzes the current situation, the dependency game and, gives outcomes of this dependency in the sector. Third part presents the potential gains for this sector. Last part gives a conclusion.
JEL codes: Q4
Reel, Yeşim (2010). "The Dependency Game and Potential Gains in Energy Sector of Eurasia" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2010, pp.270-276, Istanbul, TURKEY.