International Congress on Eurasian Economies

International Conference on Eurasian Economies

10-12 July 2017 – Istanbul, TURKEY

Paper detail

Paper ID : 1839
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Macroeconomics
Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oğuz Bal
Session : 2C Büyüme

Theoretical Perspective on the Concept of Sustainable Economic Growth
Sürdürülebilir Ekonomik Büyüme Kavramına Teorik Bakış


Economic growth, real GDP is a concept that is related to the growth rate of the country. The history of this concept dates back to the mercantilist era. Mercantilist period the active actor is the state, while state intervention in fizyokrat, in contrast to the natural order, rationalism, and "laissez-fairy, laissez passer" was highlighted. The main idea in the classics of liberalism. Opinions that are based on the pressure of its population. Neoklasik the successor of the classics, according to the exogenous growth of labor supply and the concept of “labor growth and technological process” is one of the main determinants of the growth rate along the balanced. Classical and neoclassical growth models, the supply factor describes. Supply-side and demand is internal to the economic system is limited by assumptions. Keynesian and post-Keynesian growth models demand-oriented is referred to as. Vascular growth is tied to investment. The production capacity of the economy and new investments to increase production. Harrod, actual, guaranteed, and has made the difference between the natural growth rate. Harrod-Domar; are bound by the terms of the balance of the sustainability of growth. Stabilizing role of the state have been given. These models had been undertaken by N. Kaldor, Thirlwall was developed by. This article is intended that the components of the theoretical framework of the challenges of sustainable growth and developments is to examine and discuss. The method applied the inductive method.

JEL codes: B22, E12, F43

Bal, Oğuz (2017). "Theoretical Perspective on the Concept of Sustainable Economic Growth" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2017, pp.348-355, Istanbul, TURKEY.


Full paper in PDF format.

Session 2C: Büyüme

Eurasian Economists Association Istanbul Beykent University Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University TIKA Turkish Central Bank Kavram Vocational High School