International Conference on Eurasian Economies
29-31 August 2016 – Kaposvár, HUNGARY
Paper detail
Paper ID : 1801
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Sectoral Analyses
Presenter: Asst. Prof. Dr. Yaşar Akça
Session : 5D Turizm
Tourism Policy in Turkey’s Development Plans
Türkiye’nin Kalkınma Planlarında Turizm Politikası
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Yaşar Akça (Bartın University, Türkiye)
Five-year development plans prepared by the Ministry of Development, formerly known as State Planning Organization (SPO), are the main policy documents indicating the growth Turkey will realize in economic, social and cultural fields in the long-term. Since 1963, ten development plans were prepared covering the period till 2018. Development plans provide unity in objectives not only for public but also for the society in general. The main objective of all the mentioned development plans is to make Turkish people happy and prosperous. Tourism is one of the elements to be considered in the development of a country. A country’s tourism policy is first prepared in the development plans. While preparing the tourism policy, precautions towards all kinds of tourism activities are referred. The existing state of the tourism and the state it should be are given. Depending on increase in income, both domestic and international tourism activities are increasing. Tourism activities are continuously diversifying. The purpose of this study is to reveal the tourism policies in the development plans, to determine the existing state of the tourism sector and the targets for future. Also, another purpose is to emphasize the problems the sector faces as well as possible problems that could arise in the future. Suggestions are given towards these problems. In order for the tourism sector to contribute to the country’s economy, it is important to diversify and develop it.
JEL codes: Q26, J68, L97
Akça, Yaşar (2016). "Tourism Policy in Turkey’s Development Plans" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2016, pp.721-726, Kaposvár, HUNGARY.