International Conference on Eurasian Economies
29-31 August 2016 – Kaposvár, HUNGARY
Paper detail
Paper ID : 1627
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Sectoral Analyses
Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rüştü Yayar
Session : 5C Çevre ve Tarım Ekonomisi
Identifying the Factors Affecting the Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Products: Empirical Evidence from Turkey
Çevre Dostu Ürünlere Ödeme İsteğini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: Türkiye’den Deneysel Bulgular
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rüştü Yayar (Gaziosmanpaşa University, Türkiye)
The use of resources for sustainable growth is extremely important in the fight against famine. It should not pollute the environment for sustainable production. Therefore, the consumption of environmentally friendly products is the most important step in the sustainable production. The aim of the study was to determine factors affecting the willingness of consumers to pay more for environmentally friendly products. The willingness of consumers to pay more was analyzed in terms of socio-economic and demographic characteristics of consumers. The study was interviewed with 479 consumers living the city center of Ankara. In the study, ordered probit regression models were estimated. According to the study, there were statistically significant between the willingness of consumers to pay more environmentally friendly products with gender and education level. At the same time, of the variable used in regression model, early majority, late majority, laggards, risk averse and risk moderate were statically significant.
JEL codes: Q51, D01, D12
Yayar, Rüştü (2016). "Identifying the Factors Affecting the Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Products: Empirical Evidence from Turkey" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2016, pp.527-532, Kaposvár, HUNGARY.
Session 5C: Çevre ve Tarım Ekonomisi