International Conference on Eurasian Economies
9-11 September 2015 – Kazan, RUSSIA
Paper detail
Paper ID : 1341
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Sectoral Analyses
Presenter: Dr. Gonca Gül Yavuz
Session : 4B Tarım Ekonomisi
Cereals Producers’ Agricultural Aims and Their Tendencies to Sustain Agricultural Production in Turkey
Türkiye’de Tahıl Üreticilerinin Tarımsal Amaçları ve Üretimlerini Sürdürme Eğilimleri
- Dr. Gonca Gül Yavuz (Agricultural Economy and Policy Development Institute, Türkiye)
- Prof. Dr. Bülent Miran (Ege University, Türkiye)
- Dr. Tijen Özüdoğru (Agricultural Economy and Policy Development Institute, Türkiye)
The change in income level and urbanization bring a different dimension to the demand to agricultural products from the food habits to supply food, increase the attention to the cereals production and enhance the agricultural effect of cereals which are the main food source of people and are used as feed and in industry. Cereals have the biggest share in agricultural production in terms of both production volume and sowing area in Turkey which produces a lot of agricultural products thanks to the climate and soil characteristics. In this study, in Turkey which is globally an important actor in cereals production and trade, the aims of producers in agricultural production and the factors in the process of making decision toward sustaining production are studied by the best-worst analysis method. Also, the relationship between the sustainability of the agriculture and cereals production, and the individual characteristics and farm structures of producers are examined by bivariate probit analysis method. In this context, study is conducted by 961 producers with face-to-face surveys in 14 provinces. According to the results, while “to increase living standards” is the most important agricultural aim, “good crop price” is the most important factor for sustainability of the agriculture. Moreover, education, agricultural experiences, household size, cereals area and total farm land are determined as the effective factors on sustainability.
JEL codes: Q01
Gül Yavuz, Gonca, Miran, Bülent, Özüdoğru, Tijen (2015). "Cereals Producers’ Agricultural Aims and Their Tendencies to Sustain Agricultural Production in Turkey" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2015, pp.243-249, Kazan, RUSSIA.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C06.01341