International Conference on Eurasian Economies
9-11 September 2015 – Kazan, RUSSIA
Paper detail
Paper ID : 1296
Status : Paper published
Language : Turkish
Topic : Growth and Development
Presenter: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fatih Aydemir
Session : 5E Büyüme
The Relationship between Competitiveness and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis on Selected Countries
Rekabet Gücü ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Seçilmiş Ülkeler Üzerine Panel Veri Analizi
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ziya Çağlar Yurttançıkmaz (Atatürk University, Türkiye)
- Prof. Dr. Ömer Selçuk Emsen (Atatürk University, Türkiye)
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fatih Aydemir (Atatürk University, Türkiye)
- Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan Çelik (Doğuş University, Türkiye)
As economic growth is very important for the development of individuals and the society, the importance of capital stocks and labor force for the economic growth of countries cannot be neglected. Additionally, the human capital component and especially the role of competitiveness increases on the growth process have been extensively discussed over the last two decades. This paper examines the impact of competitiveness increases on economic growth of selected middle-income countries including Turkey for the period of 1997-2012 using a balanced panel data analysis, which was relatively less studied in the literature. According to analysis results, an increase on the competitiveness index of countries in the panel, which were obtained from the data set of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), positively increases per capita income level. This result may be interpreted as several factors that increase competitiveness including infrastructure, economic structure, business world and regulations and investments that ensure public efficiency may have a positive impact on economic growth. Therefore, this study suggests that future policies that concentrate on extensive growth instead of intensive dimension may contribute to efficient and sustainable growth.
JEL codes: O40, F00, C33
Yurttançıkmaz, Ziya Çağlar, Emsen, Ömer Selçuk, Aydemir, Ahmet Fatih, Çelik, Ahmet Alkan (2015). "The Relationship between Competitiveness and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis on Selected Countries" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2015, pp.816-824, Kazan, RUSSIA.