International Congress on Eurasian Economies

International Congress on Eurasian Economies

26-28 June 2024 – Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN

Paper properties

Paper ID : 2889
Status : Paper accepted
Language : Turkish
Topic : Sectoral Analyses
Presenter: Mrs. İlham Yılmaz
Session : 3B Sağlık ve Tarım

Comparison of Support Given to Farmers in Turkey And Kyrgyzstan in the Field of Agriculture and Determination of What Should be Done in This Field
Türkiye’de ve Kırgızistan’da Tarım Alanında Çiftçilere Verilen Desteklerin Karşılaştırılması ve Bu Alanda Yapılması Gerekenleri Belirlemek


Climate changes in the world, rapid population growth, epidemics and high price increases in input costs have greatly affected all sectors, especially the agricultural field. On the one hand, increases in exchange rates and the resulting increases in seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, and on the other hand, changes in weather conditions have left farmers in a difficult situation. Although FAO and OESD say that the agricultural sector is more resilient to crises, farmers in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan request the government to increase the support provided in this field. Various support methods are being investigated while creating government policies in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan. The most important contribution made in this field is the creation of the farmer registration system. Direct Income Support, price, input and credit supports are among the primary supports given to farmers in Turkey. In Turkey, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and various municipalities provide agricultural support such as fertilizer, seeds, saplings, seedlings and agricultural irrigation in 2024. The real problem is that, unfortunately, farmers in Turkey are not fully informed about this support. The same issues apply to Kyrgyzstan. In this study, we tried to examine the supports provided to farmers in both countries, how useful these supports are for farmers, what their wishes and expectations are, through a literature study, and it was aimed to offer various suggestions to both countries and farmers.

JEL codes: Q10

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Session 3B: Sağlık ve Tarım

Eurasian Economists Association Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Istanbul Beykent University Doğuş University