Международный конгресс "Экономика стран Евразии"

Международная конференция «Экономика стран Евразии»

11-13 июня 2019 года – Фамагуста, Северный Кипр

Paper properties

Paper ID : 2290
Status : Paper published
Language :
Topic :
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Zeynep Karaçor
Session : 5C Kamusal

An Evaluation of Turkish Economy's Performance Under the Information Economics
Türk Ekonomisinin Bilgi Ekonomisi Kapsamında Performansına Dair Bir Değerlendirme


Economics is the art of providing unlimited human needs with scarce resources as it comes to teaching. Very few of these resources have been used in such a way that they are ready in nature. Almost all of the goods and services that can meet the needs are obtained by the application of human labor (labor force) and capital to commodity. In recent years, labor capital and commodity factors were first added to entrepreneurs and then technology. Thus, the system we call the production process emerges. This study based on the information economy, the information economics indicator with Turkey's latest data is intended to demonstrate the performance. First of all, after the conceptual framework of the information economics, its distinctive qualities and development process, the effects of these developments on societies and economies will be evaluated. For the intended purpose, indicators such as R&D activities and R&D personnel employment, patent application and registration numbers, number of scientific publications and access to information were examined in Turkish economy. Finally, Turkey made the comparison with developed countries in economic terms and has been observed that the desired level of the Turkish economy in terms of the information economics.

JEL codes:

Karaçor, Zeynep, Küçüksucu, Mücahide , Konya, Sevilay (2019). "An Evaluation of Turkish Economy's Performance Under the Information Economics" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2019, pp.399-407, Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C11.02290

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Секция 5C: Kamusal

Ассоциация евразийских экономистов университет Стамбул Бейкент Восточно-Средиземноморский университет Кыргызско-Турецкий университет Манас TIKA Центральный банк ТРСК