Международный конгресс "Экономика стран Евразии"

Международная конференция «Экономика стран Евразии»

1-3 июля 2014 года – Скопье, Македония


Paper ID : 870
Status : Paper published
Language :
Topic :
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Nuray Gökçek Karaca
Session : 4C Kalkınma I

Social Integration in Turkey and Transition Economies
Türkiye ve Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Sosyal Entegrasyon


In this study, social integration of Turkey was examined in comparison with the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). To examine social integration of Turkey in comparison with transition economies, we benefited from the Social Integration Dimensions which was developed by UNDP. As a comparison of Turkey with EU countries, we can say that Turkey has lower employment, youth unemployment, satisfaction with freedom of choice, satisfaction with job, trust in people, satisfaction with community, perception of safety and higher trust in national government than EU countries. Except the employment, youth unemployment and trust in national government, there is no certain difference between CEE and CIS countries that the performance of countries varies from indicator to indicator.

JEL codes: A12, A14, A19

Gökçek Karaca, Nuray (2014). "Social Integration in Turkey and Transition Economies" in Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies 2014, pp.555-560, Skopje, MACEDONIA.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36880/C05.00870

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Секция 4C: Kalkınma I

университет Стамбул Бейкент Университет Святых Кирилла и Мефодия в Скопье Кыргызско-Турецкий университет Манас TIKA Turkish Central Bank