Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Kongresi

Uluslararası Avrasya Ekonomileri Kongresi

19-20 Eylül 2023 – İzmir - TÜRKİYE

Bildiri özellikleri

Paper ID : 2745
Status : Paper submitted to journal
Language : İngilizce
Topic : Uluslararası Ticaret ve Globalleşme
Presenter: Asst. Prof. Dr. Tooba Ahmad
Session : 3C Regional Analysis

Geopolitical and Geo-economic Implications of Gwadar Port for Regional Power Dynamics in the Context of BRI
Geopolitical and Geo-economic Implications of Gwadar Port for Regional Power Dynamics in the Context of BRI


The development of Gwadar Port is a complex issue involving various economic, strategic, and political considerations. While it can potentially transform regional power dynamics and stimulate economic development, it raises several concerns that must be carefully considered and addressed. This research discusses the role of Gwadar Port in successfully implementing BRI and its geopolitical and geoeconomic outcomes for Pakistan, China, BRI participants, and other regional stakeholders. A qualitative research approach analyses data obtained from official reports and government documents. The findings show that Gwadar Port's geopolitical and geoeconomic significance lies in its strategic location, its role in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, its potential as a naval power projection point, and its contribution to trade, connectivity, energy security, and economic development in the region. Moreover, Pakistan is expected to observe a significant rise in maritime trade capacity to support the dwindling economy. Furthermore, naval security will improve by reducing reliance on ports in Karachi near the Indian border.

JEL codes: A12, H80, P00

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Oturum 3C: Regional Analysis

Avrasya Ekonomistler Derneği 9 Eylül Üniversitesi İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi Kırgız-Türk Manas Üniversitesi Doğuş Üniversitesi